Avidity measurements of specific cell surface receptors

The CellVysion does have two channels with a gradient of ligands each. This allows the determination of avidity of - for example - antibodies vs. cells.

Hence, a new avidity parameter is introduced by applying the CellVysion. The ligand density at the tipping point after cell binding and controlled shear conditions is typical for a certain combination of anti-cell receptor antibodies with a certain cell line. The instrument is capable of determining this tipping point accurately.

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Measuring of various characteristics

You can measure cell characteristics, spatial biology, receptor proteins, secretion of cells and apoptosis, label free and real-time. No pre-treatment required. This includes T/S technology (total over sedimentation detection of cells) and avidity change detection of opsonized cells. All scripts are pre-set and self explaining. Communication with image processing software (e.g. imageJ).

No pre-treatment required.